John Baron MP raises concerns with Northern Ireland Protocol

15th March 2022

MP: Diplomats need to resolve Protocol issues

Yesterday in Parliament, John Baron MP spoke in a Committee debate about UK customs regulations.

John said,

“Having served in Northern Ireland in the 1980s, one still has friends and contacts there, if not through the Army then through the civilian population. I reinforce the concern expressed so far about the sense of unease in the Province, particularly in the Unionist community.”

“The spirit of the Northern Ireland protocol – I hope that both sides entered the negotiations in this manner – was that provided it did not distort trade between Northern Ireland and the mainland and did not distort trade in any part of the EU, a light touch could be applied. However, that is not what has transpired. Despite no evidence whatsoever of trade being distorted within the EU in any other market, a hard touch has now been applied to the protocol.”

“I have spoken to the Northern Ireland Secretary and the Foreign Secretary. I have shared my concerns and given what insight and reflections I can. Feelings are running raw in the Province, and it comes down to this approach to the Northern Ireland protocol at a time when there is no evidence whatever that a light-touch approach could not be reinstated.”

John said afterwards,

“The Government’s attention is rightly focused on Ukraine, but the ongoing issues with the Protocol also need to be urgently addressed. There is no question that Northern Ireland remains an integral part of the United Kingdom, and for a large section of Northern Irish society this is of fundamental importance to them. Yet the EU’s interpretation of the Protocol is putting a strain on these links and their identity, and British and EU diplomats need to resolve these issues before others take matters into their own hands, which is a concerning but distinct possibility.”

Notes to Editors:

• The full text of John’s contribution begins at:

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