MP writes to local schools to encourage participation and offers financial help from the Fun Walk Trust
John Baron MP has written to local schools regarding the government’s National Citizen Service programme. NCS is a government funded scheme for 16-17 year olds, which sees young people make the most of their summer holidays and half terms by doing action-packed and skills-building courses. Teams then plan, fund and complete a project which benefits their community.
NCS is accessible to all, regardless of income, ability, educational attainment or ambition. With government backing, costs are capped and bursaries are available. Furthermore, The Fun Walk Trust [of which John is Chairman] would be willing to further subsidise a number of students who would not otherwise be able to attend. Please phone 07544 324218 if this is the case.
John said:
“NCS is a worthwhile new scheme which could benefit both youngsters taking part and the local communities hosting the project. I encourage young people to get involved and sign up at and take this opportunity to learn new skills and make friends for life. Costs are capped and further help through bursaries and the Fun Walk Trust is available.”
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