John Baron MP supports ‘Irish Option’ to prevent unauthorised encampments

24th January 2020

MP encourages residents to respond to consultation

There is a general consensus that the raft of powers available to the Police, local authorities and landowners is insufficient to stop unauthorised encampments and the anti-social and illegal activities which often sadly go hand-in-hand with them. Accordingly, the Government is consulting as to the best way forward – either by amending the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, or by passing new legislation to criminalise trespass in certain circumstances, along the lines of the situation in the Irish Republic. John Baron MP is submitting to the consultation, recommending the latter option.

John said,

“Whilst the majority in the traveller and gypsy community are law-abiding and have good relations with the wider settled community, there is unfortunately a minority which considers themselves above the law. Sadly our area knows all too well the disruption, distress and damage which can be caused when people camp illegally.”

“I would encourage residents to respond to the consultation [details below] to have their say as to which option the Government should choose. I believe adopting a similar approach to the Republic of Ireland is preferable, as it would act as a strong deterrent against unauthorised encampments.”

Notes to Editors:

• The consultation is available online at:
• Submissions can be made via the online form, via e-mail and by post.
• The consultation closes on 4th March 2020.

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