John Baron urges companies with spare PPE to contact Essex County Council

23rd April 2020

MP calls on Essex companies to answer urgent PPE call

Essex companies have been generously donating unopened and unwanted stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Essex County Council, which is being used to support those who work in adult and child social care across Essex. However, the Council has urgent need for all items of PPE – masks, disposable gloves, aprons, eye goggles and sanitising gel. If necessary, the Council may be willing to purchase stocks. For details of how to contact the Council if you do have spare PPE, please see ‘Notes to Editors’ below.

John said,

“At this time of national emergency, it is important that those on the front line are adequately protected. The response so far from local firms has been good, but I urge companies to contact Essex County Council if they have stocks of PPE which are going spare.”

Notes to Editors:

• To donate or advise Essex County Council of PPE stock, please e-mail with details of your PPE, including the quantity, along with a contact name, telephone number and postcode.

• Suitable items will be collected safely, observing social distancing and hand hygiene.

• If people are having difficulty obtaining essential supplies, they can register with Essex Coronavirus Action, which is a collaboration between Essex County Council, the Essex Public Health Team and local groups. Their number is 0300 303 9988, open from 8.00am – 8.00pm, seven days a week.

• They can also register with the Community Hub, which is run by Basildon Council and provides support to the elderly and vulnerable at this time. The number is 01268 533 333 (option 1), or e-mail

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