John Baron MP: People should continue to come forward for jabs with confidence

8th April 2021

MP: Vaccines are very safe and effective

All the evidence continues to show that vaccines are safe and effective, with many millions of doses safely administered both in the UK and worldwide. Our vaccine experts are constantly monitoring the data from the vaccination programme, and in line with some data suggesting a possible link between extremely rare blood clots and the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, have recommended that people under 30 with no underlying health problems be offered a different vaccine. All other age groups should continue to receive the Oxford/AZ vaccine as normal.

John said,

“People should continue to come forward for their jabs, and for both doses, when their turn comes. No medical treatment is completely risk-free, but the data are clear that the vaccines continue to be very safe and effective. For the overwhelming majority of people the tiny risks from having a vaccine are vastly outweighed by the very real and much higher risks from covid-19, which include ‘long covid’ and other health problems we are still learning about.”

“The risks of a blood clot from the AZ vaccine is about the same as developing one from taking a long-haul flight, which millions of us do each year without thinking twice. Once again, I strongly urge everyone to come forward for their jab with confidence when the time comes. I am looking forward to my second dose of Oxford/AZ.”

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